A very wise man once said to me "In order to make progress, it is sometimes necessary to rest" and 20 years on I've decided to listen to him!
We have been working so hard lately but as of Saturday we will be taking a little trip "up north" and having some down time. Saying that, I will still be checking my emails and messages on a daily basis and have given myself 3 projects to complete before I return!!! So not really 100% rest but when you love your job, you don't seem to mind so much.
Things are still going great guns with the possibility of us getting a studio and I'm so excited! And we have 2 Events this month already which is always fun to do! The lovely 2RRF have got us for their delayed Summer Balls and we already have some Christmas dates booked. Can't believe I have to get the diary sorted for Christmas this early on!
Don't forget if you have a function with over 100 people attending then we will provide our service completely free of charge!!! Get your Christmas date booked fast!